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XposedFrameworkError - class in io.github.libxposed.api.errors
Thrown to indicate that the Xposed framework function is broken.
XposedInterface - class in io.github.libxposed.api
Xposed interface for modules to operate on application processes.
XposedInterface.AfterHookCallback - class in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface
Contextual interface for after invocation callbacks.
XposedInterface.BeforeHookCallback - class in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface
Contextual interface for before invocation callbacks.
XposedInterface.Hooker - class in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface
Interface for method / constructor hooking.
XposedInterface.MethodUnhooker - class in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface
Interface for canceling a hook.
XposedInterfaceWrapper - class in io.github.libxposed.api
Wrap of XposedInterface used by the modules for the purpose of shielding framework implementation details.
XposedModule - class in io.github.libxposed.api
Super class which all Xposed module entry classes should extend.
XposedModuleInterface - class in io.github.libxposed.api
Interface for module initialization.
XposedModuleInterface.ModuleLoadedParam - class in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModuleInterface
Wraps information about the process in which the module is loaded.
XposedModuleInterface.PackageLoadedParam - class in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModuleInterface
Wraps information about the package being loaded.
XposedModuleInterface.SystemServerLoadedParam - class in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModuleInterface
Wraps information about system server.
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