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onPackageLoaded(XposedModuleInterface.PackageLoadedParam) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModuleInterface
Gets notified when a package is loaded into the app process.
onPackageLoaded(XposedModuleInterface.PackageLoadedParam) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModule
Gets notified when a package is loaded into the app process.
onSystemServerLoaded(XposedModuleInterface.SystemServerLoadedParam) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModuleInterface
Gets notified when the system server is loaded.
onSystemServerLoaded(XposedModuleInterface.SystemServerLoadedParam) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModule
Gets notified when the system server is loaded.
openRemoteFile(String) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModule
Open a file in the module's shared data directory.
openRemoteFile(String) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterfaceWrapper
Open a file in the module's shared data directory.
openRemoteFile(String) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface
Open a file in the module's shared data directory.
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