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initCause(Throwable) - function in java.lang.XposedFrameworkError
initCause(Throwable) - function in java.lang.HookFailedError
invokeOrigin(Method,Object,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModule
Basically the same as invoke, but calls the original methodas it was before the interception by Xposed.
invokeOrigin(Constructor,T,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModule
Basically the same as newInstance, but calls the original constructoras it was before the interception by Xposed.
invokeOrigin(Method,Object,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterfaceWrapper
Basically the same as invoke, but calls the original methodas it was before the interception by Xposed.
invokeOrigin(Constructor,T,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterfaceWrapper
Basically the same as newInstance, but calls the original constructoras it was before the interception by Xposed.
invokeOrigin(Method,Object,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface
Basically the same as invoke, but calls the original methodas it was before the interception by Xposed.
invokeOrigin(Constructor,T,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface
Basically the same as newInstance, but calls the original constructoras it was before the interception by Xposed.
invokeSpecial(Method,Object,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModule
Invokes a special (non-virtual) method on a given object instance, similar to the functionality of {@code CallNonVirtualMethod} in JNI, which invokes an instance (nonstatic) method on a Javaobject.
invokeSpecial(Constructor,T,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModule
Invokes a special (non-virtual) method on a given object instance, similar to the functionality of {@code CallNonVirtualMethod} in JNI, which invokes an instance (nonstatic) method on a Javaobject.
invokeSpecial(Method,Object,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterfaceWrapper
Invokes a special (non-virtual) method on a given object instance, similar to the functionality of {@code CallNonVirtualMethod} in JNI, which invokes an instance (nonstatic) method on a Javaobject.
invokeSpecial(Constructor,T,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterfaceWrapper
Invokes a special (non-virtual) method on a given object instance, similar to the functionality of {@code CallNonVirtualMethod} in JNI, which invokes an instance (nonstatic) method on a Javaobject.
invokeSpecial(Method,Object,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface
Invokes a special (non-virtual) method on a given object instance, similar to the functionality of {@code CallNonVirtualMethod} in JNI, which invokes an instance (nonstatic) method on a Javaobject.
invokeSpecial(Constructor,T,Array) - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface
Invokes a special (non-virtual) method on a given object instance, similar to the functionality of {@code CallNonVirtualMethod} in JNI, which invokes an instance (nonstatic) method on a Javaobject.
io.github.libxposed.api - package io.github.libxposed.api
io.github.libxposed.api.errors - package io.github.libxposed.api.errors
io.github.libxposed.api.utils - package io.github.libxposed.api.utils
isFirstPackage() - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModuleInterface.PackageLoadedParam
Gets information about whether is this package the first and main package of the app process.
isSkipped() - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedInterface.AfterHookCallback
Gets whether the invocation was skipped by the before invocation callback.
isSystemServer() - function in io.github.libxposed.api.XposedModuleInterface.ModuleLoadedParam
Gets information about whether the module is running in system server.
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