
Interface XposedInterface.BeforeHookCallback

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract Member getMember() Gets the method / constructor to be hooked.
      abstract Object getThisObject() Gets the {@code this} object, or {@code null} if the method is static.
      abstract Array<Object> getArgs() Gets the arguments passed to the method / constructor.
      abstract void returnAndSkip(@Nullable() Object result) Sets the return value of the method and skip the invocation.
      abstract void throwAndSkip(@Nullable() Throwable throwable) Throw an exception from the method / constructor and skip the invocation.Note that the after invocation callback will still be called.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getArgs

        @NonNull() abstract Array<Object> getArgs()

        Gets the arguments passed to the method / constructor. You can modify the arguments.

      • returnAndSkip

         abstract void returnAndSkip(@Nullable() Object result)

        Sets the return value of the method and skip the invocation. If the procedure is a constructor,the {@code result} param will be ignored.Note that the after invocation callback will still be called.

        result - The return value
      • throwAndSkip

         abstract void throwAndSkip(@Nullable() Throwable throwable)

        Throw an exception from the method / constructor and skip the invocation.Note that the after invocation callback will still be called.

        throwable - The exception to be thrown